Newton United Soccer Spring 2021 Covid 19 Protocols Recreation and Travel
Game Day Protocol
All athletes and families are encouraged to wash hands and use sanitizer before attending games and practices.
1. All athletes will be screened & temperatures taken.
2. All athlete’s personal property should be spaced 6 ft apart (Coaches may need to drop cones for clear markers depending on age groups)
3. All Athletes must bring their own labeled container of water from home, there will be NO SHARING of water bottles.
4. Coaches are always required to wear a face covering.
5. Athletes are required to wear face coverings to and from practice/games and while on the sidelines or not participating.
8. All spectators will be expected to socially distance.
9.Newton United encourages the wearing of masks by spectators when it is not possible to safely socially distance while at game or practice.
Masks do not need to be worn while playing or during actual practice time.
All game day protocols will apply to practice. Athletes, coaches, staff and others participating in practices will be screened, via temperature check, at the beginning of each session. Players, coaches, staff, and volunteers showing symptoms of COVID-19 shall not be permitted to participate.
Players should arrive wearing a mask and keep it on until the practice begins and when leaving the field
Parents and spectators are encouraged to stay in their cars or parking areas during practices, social distancing rules apply once entering the fields.
Masks do not need to be worn while playing or during actual practice time.
All game day protocols will apply to practice. Athletes, coaches, staff and others participating in practices will be screened, via temperature check, at the beginning of each session. Players, coaches, staff, and volunteers showing symptoms of COVID-19 shall not be permitted to participate.
Players should arrive wearing a mask and keep it on until the practice begins and when leaving the field
Parents and spectators are encouraged to stay in their cars or parking areas during practices, social distancing rules apply once entering the fields.
Please remember that if you do not feel well stay home and let your coach know. Do not come to practice or games if you are feeling unwell. If anyone, be they player spectator or coach tests positive to covid 19 please let your coach know as soon as possible.
Any player or spectator recording a temperature above 100.4 will be asked to leave. Return to the team will be assessed based on CDC guidelines at that time.