Jan, 2025
Registration for the Spring recreation season is now open. All registration will be online there will be no in person registration. The cost to register is $85 per player and is reduced to $50 per child for multiple children in a family.
Jun, 2024
Registration for the Fall recreation season is now open. All registration will be online there will be no in person registration. The cost to register is $85 per player and is reduced to $50 per child for multiple children in a family.
Jun, 2023
Registration for the fall 2023 recreation season is now open. All registration will be online there will be NO in person registration. The cost to register is $75 per player and is reduced to $45 per child for multiple children in a family.
Mar, 2023
Since 2005, our summer camps offer professional coaching experience, for kids of all ages and skill levels. We take pride in creating a fun and enjoyable experience for all campers, providing them an opportunity to learn top notch soccer skills by professional educators who coach and train teams at both youth and high school levels
Jan, 2022
Registration for our Spring recreation season will open on Saturday January 7th and will be open until Sunday April 3rd. All registration will be online and there will be NO in person registration. The cost to register is $70 per player and is reduced to $40 per child for multiple children in a family.
Sep, 2021
On May 28, 2021, Governor Murphy followed guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the New Jersey Department of Health to remove all restrictions regarding COVID-19 and Return to Play activities.
May, 2021
Newton United Soccer Spring 2021 Covid 19 Protocols Recreation and Travel Updated 5/16/2001
Apr, 2021
In light of current National and New Jersey Youth Soccer guidelines Newton United has updated its Covid 19 Protocols. We will no longer be temperature screening spectators at practices and games. We do encourage the wearing of masks by spectators when it is not possible to safely socially distance while at game or practice.
Apr, 2021
On Monday, April 26, 2021, Governor Phil Murphy announced he will issue an Executive Order that will expand the general outdoor gathering limit from 200 to 500, beginning at 6 a.m. on Monday, May 10, 2021. The Executive Order will be issued next week, and we will provide a link to it when it becomes available.
Apr, 2021
As a club we are looking right now to form a grounds/fields maintenance group to operate at the direction of our fields Director.